"This book might make a few Americans uneasy to walk alone at night; my in-
tention, however, is not to frighten but to enlighten as many readers as possible to know about live-pterosaur investigations. Those who’ve been shocked at the sight of a flying creature that “should” be extinct—those eyewitnesses, more numerous than most Americans would guess, need no longer be afraid that everyone will think them crazy, and no longer need they feel alone. Those of us who’ve listened to the American eyewit-nesses, we who have interviewed them, we now believe. So, if you will, consider the experiences of these ordinary persons (I’ve interviewed most of them myself) and accept whatever enlighten-ment you may."
Beginning of Introduction
More from the Introduction
"We need to understand why we believe what we believe. . . . we must understand indoctrination, for it influences our beliefs. . . .
"On Umboi Island, I led the first of the two expeditions of 2004, with two other American cryptozoologists following a few weeks later. Six native eyewitnesses (among many) we interviewed with amazing results: Three men saw, at Lake Pung, a giant featherless long-tailed flying creature in daylight; three other men saw similar large-to-giant creatures but glowing at night or at twilight.
"During those years of expeditions in the Southwest Pacific, reports in our own country became impossible to ignore; I received many emails . . . long tails (often) and apparent [glow] bioluminescence (sometimes). We began to believe."
Nonfiction live-pterosaur book
* suggested retail: $13.65 *
Nonfiction book
on cryptozoology
(Second Edition)
"Live Pterosaurs in America" --Purchase it on amazon.com
or with another book retailer.
Live Pterosaurs in America
Excerpt from the Introduction of the book
Live Pterosaur Eyewitnesses
Umboi Island Eyewitnesses
Cryptozoology Book (shown on PSL site)
Live Pterosaurs in America (Home)
Comparison with Searching for Ropens
California Pterodactyl
Texas Pterosaur
Cryptozoology and Pterosaurs
The pond shown above is just north of California State University at Irvine, (Orange County, Southern California) in a wildlife preserve
Copyright 2009, 2010 Jonathan Whitcomb
With many eyewitness reports of "pterodactyls" or "flying dinosaurs," as
some eyewitnesses say
Thrill at the encounters America eyewitnesses have with pterosaurs.
Nonfiction "Live Pterosaurs in America" may not be sold in some book stores; purchase it online at amazon.com, or elsewhere. Thank you; your purchase helps the investigation.