Pterosaur Sighting in South Carolina

From the nonfiction book Live Pterosaurs in America (Chapter One: South Carolina Sighting):

Susan Wooten was driving east on Highway 20, to the town of Florence, on a clear mid-afternoon in the fall of about 1989, following a girl who lived in her dorm, who was driving ahead. . . . Wooten saw something flying from her left, then passing in front of her, behind her friend’s car. “It swooped down over the highway and back up gracefully over the pines,” but its appearance was shocking: “It looked as big as any car . . . NO feathers . . . like a humongous bat.”

Local libraries revealed other sighting accounts in the area, but not until 2007 did Wooten find much more: accounts on web sites . . .

Since early 2004, living-pterosaurs investigations have relied on eyewitnesses finding a web page and responding. Have you seen something like a living pterosaur? Do you know someone who saw a “pterodactyl” or “dinosaur bird?” Please contact me, Jonathan Whitcomb. You may remain anonymous; your privacy will be protected.pterosaur in South Carolina, sketch by eyewitness Susan Wooten

Read more about bats, ropens, and pterosaurs

This crude sketch relates to the realistic sketch done by Eskin Kuhn of two pterosaurs he saw in Cuba in 1971.

Bowling Green, Kentucky, Sighting

In May of 2008 M.R. (anonymous) went outside at 4:30 p.m. and noticed what he at first assumed was a large bird.  “. . . in the sky flying above me. I thought it seemed strange because I seen a tail with a spade like end also the wing span was alot larger than any bird I have ever seen around here. . . . each wing stroke was steady and powerful. The bird seemed to have a set destination as well cause it did not waste any time moving through the sky. . . . I watched in awe as this bird streaked the sky to the south east of where I live. I am positive 100% about the tail, there was overcast sky’s today so the sun was not glaring in my eyes.”

Live Pterosaurs In America, nonfiction book

cover of third edition of the nonfiction cryptozoology book

Updated early in 2018:

Excerpts from the book’s title page:

Eyewitness Reports of Pterosaurs in the Contiguous United States

Reports of huge flying “pterodactyls” in American skies have floated around the internet for years; but before about 2005, details were scarce. When an eyewitness was named, the interviewer was often anonymous; even when an eyewitness was credible, and the account published in a newspaper, the story was ridiculed, discouraging others who had also seen strange flying creatures. . . .

How are sightings in the United States related to those in the southwest Pacific? How do some apparent nocturnal pterosaurs pertain to bats, and how are bats irrelevant? How could modern living pterosaurs have escaped scientific notice? These mysteries have slept in the dark, beyond the knowledge of almost all Americans, even beyond our wildest dreams (although the reality of some pterosaurs is a living nightmare to some bats). These mysteries have slept . . . until now.

From the third chapter of the book:

The longer we watched, the more spooked we became. It was as though a giant vampire bat (like Dracula-style) was there, but neither of us thought it really looked like a bat, either, even a big one. Also, all the bigger bats are fruit-eaters and not scary at all. This was frightening. I get little chills just writing about it now.

Excerpts from the book’s Appendix:

Philosophy at the foundation

Charles Darwin chose an extreme dedication to Naturalism philosophy; his Common-Ancestry ideas seem to make God unnecessary. He chose atheism, but most Americans reject the idea that life arose without any creative act of God.



Live Pterosaurs In America (third edition, print) by Jonathan Whitcomb

Live Pterosaurs in America -third edition of the nonfiction book - covers

“The Truth About Pterosaurs” — They are not all extinct