Pterosaur in Lakewood, California

A lady reported observing a “huge dragon pteradactal” that had been perched, at about noon on June 19, 2012, on a phone line or cable company wire over her backyard:

. . . . sitting under my [gazebo] playing on my computer in Lakewood, CA. My dog started going crazy barking and whining. I started hearing what sounded like him having really deep burps and I got up after 30 seconds or so because I knew the sounds were not coming from my dog. . . . [I . . . lost my breath] when I saw this huge dragon pteradactal looking thing.

I scared it because when he saw me he jumped off the telephone wires and when he opened his huge wings they sounded like heavy fabric . . . I watched him fly across to a large tree [on the next street over] and go inside [the canopy of that tree].

Where the ropen or pterosaur-like creature was perched:

ropen pterosaur sat on this cable on June 19, 2012


The lady drew a sketch of the end of the tail of the creature:

sketch of the end of the tail of the "dragon" seen in Lakewood, California


Ropen in Lakewood, California

As the creature unfurled its wings, the lady was surprised by the loud noise, like “heavy fabric.” The long-tailed creature flew off . . . whereupon the lady ran into her house to tell her husband. The two of them then drove around the neighborhood, camera in hand, searching for what the lady later referred to as a ”dragon pteradactal.”

Pterodactyl in San Diego, California

Two eyewitnesses were shocked, one night last November, by two giant long-tailed creatures that flew over the city of San Diego: apparent “pterodactyls.” This was not the first report that I have received from San Diego . . .