‘Dinosaur’ Book for Children and Teens

By the living-pterosaur investigator Jonathan Whitcomb

The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur is a nonfiction book, but it’s not technically about dinosaurs: It’s a short cryptozoology book about apparent living pterosaurs. Let’s begin with a list of some of the benefits available to young readers, for this is for kids and teenagers:

  • Simple to read yet stimulating for middle-grade children and teens
  • Explains the benefits of believing someone who has seen something
  • Gives interesting comparisons between accounts, allowing the reader to come to his or her own conclusion about each report
  • Explains the three major interpretations available for a sighting report, allowing the reader to choose one of them for each reported account
  • Gives the young reader many photos, sketches, and other images, making the book easier to dig into and understand

To the best of my knowledge, this is the first nonfiction book ever published (on this subject) which was written for children and teenagers. I know of a very few books written about living dinosaurs and living pterosaurs, but The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur is different: only about apparent non-extinct pterosaurs that have been seen by people in the 20th and 21st centuries. By the way, the sightings reported in this book are generally of ropens: long-tailed featherless flying creatures unlike any scientifically-acknowledged bat.

Buy your own copy of this living-pterosaur book on Amazon or from some other online book seller, or buy one or more to give as gifts for Christmas or for birthdays. Here are a few details:

  • 56 printed pages (5½ by 8½ inches)
  • ISBN-13: 978-1727778847
  • Published Nov 8, 2018, by Createspace
  • $7.80 on Amazon (at least on Nov 16, 2018)


living pterosaur nonfiction book - front cover

The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur



New ‘dinosaur’ book for LDS and other faiths

My new nonfiction is for middle-grade children and many (but not all) teenagers: The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur. This is a short cryptozoology book, not about religion but about eyewitness sightings of apparent living pterosaurs.


“Flying Dinosaur” book for a ten-year-old reader

This post briefly mentions the book The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur, but this is mainly about sightings of apparent pterosaurs, seen by children, in the following countries:

  • Sudan, Africa
  • Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
  • England
  • USA, Hawaii

The above locations for sightings are not in the book itself but are in the above-linked blog post.


Ropen – a real living pterosaur

With many photos, this is an online map of what is probably the oldest modern-pterosaur site ever published: Pterosaurs Still Living.


“Flying Dinosaur” book (pterosaurs)

I wrote the nonfiction book The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur for several purposes. As a gift giver for a child or teenager, you need to know what this does and does not do and what benefits it can give to the young reader.


Nonfiction books on living pterosaurs

This has brief book reviews: comparing two cryptozoology books about these astonishing featherless flying creatures. These two paperbacks  include much information about ropens.

These nonfiction books are Live Pterosaurs in America (third edition) and Searching for Ropens and Finding God (fourth edition).