Sightings of Apparent Living Pterodactyls

By Jonathan D. Whitcomb

(Taken from the blog KSN News Service, which blog will be discontinued in mid-2023, along with all its posts)

Sighting #1: Connecticut

I received the following email in late July of 2019:

. . . I live in Gales Ferry, CT. It’s in between Foxwoods Resort Casino and Mohegan Sun Casino. In August 2013 at around 5:30 pm, I was working on the the front of my house and I was on a ladder ready to step down. I got off the ladder and looked up towards the north and saw this Pterosaur flying from East to West. The two things that I noticed right away was the head. It looked exactly like the pictures that you would see as depicted. The second thing I noticed was the wings. There were no feathers, just a light brown “cape” like wing. It was above a smaller bird. I ran inside to get a camera, but it was gone. It was flying towards the Thames River. Some people didn’t believe me when I told them. I know what I saw.

By the way, this eyewitness referred to the Thames River in Connecticut, not the River Thames in England, although we do have sightings in England.


Pterodactyl eyewitness Jonathan Archer was interviewed by the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb

Sighting #2: Minnesota

I believe I saw a Pterosaur last year on July 16, 2018. I had just gotten done shopping at Walmart for some supplies in northwestern Minnesota and was on my way back home. It was between 5 and 5:30 pm and as I got into my car I turned to drive north and I immediately looked up at this flying creature that looked and flew very odd . . .

I didn’t think to look for a tail or even notice one at the time but what I did notice was the way it flapped its wings. The wings seemed to roll or have a wave like form from the body outward to the wing tip. The wings would flap very slowly but the creature did not seem to have any trouble flying. The wings also were shimmering on the top of them reflecting the sunlight. I noticed no feathers at all on it but the rear of the wings were very smooth in a curved shape.


Sighting #3: Ohio

This was around the beginning of June, 2019:

. . . what I saw the other day was remarkable. My mother in law and I were at her land bird watching… we seen a HUGE shadow creep across the ground, we looked up and what we saw will forever be engraved in my brain. We both saw what looked like a dinosaur bird-like
prehistoric animal. There were absolutely no feathers . . .

It was the size of a small private jet. . . . it had enlarged bat like wings . . . I’m … curious of other sighting in or around Ohio. We live in a small town called Franklin . . .



Pterodactyl Sighting in Minnesota

Now we have, in one video, many details on the ropen-pterodactyl sighting in western Minnesota a few years ago: many fascinating points that were not included in the older video.


Newly-Acquired Reports of Pterodactyl Sightings in the United States

Encounters in Hawaii, Illinois, and California—those sightings are covered in this blog post.


Pterodactyl Sightings in the USA and Mexico and Cuba

Sightings of modern pterosaurs in Mexico, the United States, and Cuba—these are featured in this mini-documentary on encounters eyewitnesses have had with living “pterodactyls”. Most sightings are of ropens, large featherless “flying dinosaurs” that are very much alive in North America.


The Old Pterodactyl Photo

By Jonathan Whitcomb

I processed the Ptp image and cropped it to help people avoid distractions. Why did I alter the “Civil War flying-dinosaur photo”? I wanted to present it in a form that would most likely be closer to the original image than what we see in Ptp. The most important points, however, have not been altered: only those things that were most likely to have been altered many years ago (to make the photo appear older). Here is the result, “Ptp-R-3”:

Ptp photo of an apparent pterosaur - enhancedThe photograph of an apparent 19th-century pterosaur: “Ptp-R-3”

The soldiers in the photo

Recently I’ve been emphasizing the importance of that lefty of the far right: that one soldier who is left-handed. The other five men are right handed, and their handedness is shown by their pistol holsters.

Statistics tell us that American men living in the second half of the 19th century were not rare, but if six of them would be chosen at random then one of two things are very likely: one left-handed or none a lefty.

That means that the precise handedness shown in Ptp is too precise to be likely a coincidence, at least when observed in relation to other factors. It requires an explanation.

The most persuasive objection to the authenticity of Ptp, in recent years, has been the declaration that it was created for a TV episode of Freakylinks in the year 2000. That theory, however, has problems.

Controversial photograph of six Civil War soldiers next to the apparent body of a recently deceased giant pterodactyl or pterosaur, maybe a PteranodonPtp was apparently manipulated to appear to be old

The TV episode in question, “Coelacanth This!”, appears to have come from a script that included a conversation about an apparent photo that has apparent Union Civil War soldiers posing next to a gigantic pterosaur. For many persons, it would suggest that those men with rifles shot down the flying creature.

So what’s the problem? The belt buckles and pistol holsters show that those men were NOT photographed during the American Civil War. Keep in mind that the theory that has been most persuasive in dismissing Ptp has been that it was created for that TV episode which aired in the year 2000. So why does Ptp not show even one man who is dressed and equipped appropriately? Not one of these six men has an oval belt buckle and all six of them have pistol holsters.

Those two points about uniforms and equipment—that alone puts at least some doubt in the Freakylinks theory. But that one lefty, the man on the far right, shoots that theory dead out of the sky, at least when we look only at the men.

Remember that, according to the theory, the story in the episode called for a photo of a large pterodactyl and some Civil War soldiers. So how could things get messed up so badly (men NOT from Civil War), but the men are shown to have precisely the left-handed ratio that would be expected for men living in the second half of the 19th century?

Explanation of Ptp

This image is most likely to have come from an actual photograph that was recorded between about the year 1866 and 1880. When the producers (in the companies involved with that TV episode) realized that the image was indeed old enough to be in the public domain, then they decided to use that image rather than create an imitation of it. That’s probably what happened.




Flying Dinosaur in “Civil War” Photo

. . . a new significance in an observation made by Tom Payne some time ago: One of those six apparent Civil War soldiers is left handed.


Pterodactyl Sightings in North America

Youtube has more than 37 million channels, and the one with the most videos on sightings of modern pterosaurs appears to be Protect Animal Life. As of January 6, 2021, of the 113 videos on this channel, 111 of them were about these amazing featherless flying creatures.


Two types of living pterodactyls

Her husband was raised in the Southern Highlands Province, without contact with Westerners for some time, and knows about the two kinds of modern pterosaurs.


Modern pterosaurs

Sighting reports of pterosaurs make this a study in cryptozoology. . . . Large featherless flying creatures of the night—they’r e not bats; most of them are much too big.


Pterodactyl sightings while driving

“In 2010 I saw a flying dinosaur. I was driving a car alone . . . behind a man who is driving a mini-van . . . I see the man looking out of his window which made me look up. . . . and there was a huge flying bird-like animal above us. I looked back at the road and witnessed the man swerve off the road and flip his van into [a field next to the road]. . . .”


Living pterosaurs

. . . become aware that at least three scientific papers have been published on the subject of modern pterosaurs. In addition, many nonfiction books have been written on these flying creatures . . .


Sightings of dinosaur birds

. . . two weeks ago we moved into a new home in Kona [Big Island of Hawaii] about 2 miles south from our other home and my husband and son saw the Pterydactyl [pterosaur] fly over our house and circle around.


When to Report a Pterodactyl Sighting

By cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb

Of course, the ideal reporting of a sighting of an apparent pterodactyl, more correctly called a pterosaur, is soon after the encounter and to the right kind of cryptozoologist. Yet the sighting can still be reported long after the event, even years later. In other words, if you or someone you know has seen a living pterodactyl, report it NOW, and use the following page for more information:

Report a Pterodactyl Sighting

You can remain anonymous, or you can allow your name to be made public: It’s entirely up to you.

modern-pterosaur sketch by the eyewitnessSketch drawn by the pterodactyl eyewitness Patty Carson (Cuba, ~1965)

Some eyewitnesses, in various parts of the world, call this kind of featherless flying creature a “dragon”.

Example of a sighting report

The following is a brief example of part of a reported pterodactyl sighting:

. . . It was huge and was no freakin bird, I can tell you that. The wingspan was beyond anything I ever seen even on TV or in any museum . . . [and it had] leather like dragon wings.




Report of a dragon sighting

A North Chicago Portage Park community resident and his neighbor observed a huge dragon-like cryptid flying overhead while working in their yards on Tuesday May 18, 2021.


Pterodactyl sightings in the United States

Youtube video with Jonathan Whitcomb


Modern dragon encounter

From the investigative journalist Jonathan Whitcomb: “Where did dragon legends come from? Could some of them have come from sightings of pterosaurs centuries ago? I believe so . . .” [You can watch this Youtube video for free]


Report a dinosaur bird sighting

What could be as strange as accounts of dragons flying over our heads in the 21st century? I need to explain . . .


Pterodactyl sighting reports

Duane Hodgkinson . . . a World War II veteran who saw, long ago, a “pterodactyl” in a jungle: his 1944 sighting near Finschhafen, New Guinea . . . In a jungle clearing with moderately high grass, a clearing about a hundred feet in diameter, the two men saw something at the far side, something astonishing.


Pterosaurs in modern times

Contrary to the surface appearance from looking at a statistic in my compilation of data early in the year 2013, extant pterosaurs in modern times do not likely actually involve a 20-to-1 ratio of long-tails to short-tails.


Dragons still fly over Los Angeles

Twice in the first five months of 2013 has an eyewitness reported something like a pterosaur or dragon flying over Los Angeles, both times over the I-5 between Griffith Park and Glendale. Those two sightings were less than two miles apart, near the Los Angeles River, if not directly over it.


Live Pterodactyls in Youtube Videos

By Jonathan Whitcomb

My principal YouTube channel for videos about modern living pterosaurs is Protect Animal Life. As of early May, 2022, this channel had about 230 videos about modern living pterosaurs, a.k.a. “pterodactyls”. Here are a few of them:


Kongamato, Ropen, Pterodactyl – ALIVE TODAY!

CENSORING out the truth about these large featherless flying creatures—that is what we see in the English-language Wikipedia. Look at how ten languages-versions of Wikipedia deal with the names of four flying-creature cryptids: Nine languages have at least one page out of those four, and the Mandarin Chinese Wikipedia has all four . . .

So why does the English Wikipedia have NOT EVEN ONE PAGE on these four cryptids of cryptozoology?


Pterodactyl sightings in various parts of the world—this includes video footage of a ropen flying over Raleigh, North Carolina, in recent years. Some modern-pterosaur eyewitnesses use the word “dragon” when they report a sighting, but most use the word “pterodactyl.”


Pterodactyls Living — Deceased Eyewitnesses

This is a memorial tribute to three eyewitnesses of modern pterosaurs: Duane Hodgkinson, Patty Carson, and Harriet Sconce. Their sightings were on the mainland of New Guinea, in Cuba, and on New Britain Island (Papua New Guinea) respectively.


Pterodactyl Sightings in North America

Sightings of modern pterosaurs in Mexico, the United States, and Cuba—these are featured in this mini-documentary on encounters eyewitnesses have had with living “pterodactyls”. Most sightings are of ropens, large featherless “flying dinosaurs” that are very much alive in North America.


Wild Animals in Pennsylvania – like pterodactyls

Sightings of modern pterosaurs or “flying dinosaurs” have been reported across North America, including in the USA and that includes Pennsylvania. In this video, “Wild Animals in Pennsylvania – like pterodactyls”, get essential details on four encounters, each sighting being astonishing enough that the eyewitness contacted Jonathan Whitcomb to report it.




More YouTube Videos on Pterodactyl Sightings

The eyewitness said, “I was horseback riding when suddenly my horse stopped dead in her tracks then began to tremble violently . . . I saw it. This thing was huge and gliding rather than flying, and it was very close to the ground.” [sighting in northeast Colorado, USA]


Thunderbird / Pterodactyl Sightings: Colorado, Texas & Mississippi

“In 2008, on the southeast corner of north Table Mountain in Golden, Colorado, I witnessed a large flying Thunderbird riding the lead edge of a thunderstorm that was coming out of Clear Creek Canyon.” . . .

“. . . my girlfriend and I where driving through Texas and at like 3:00 AM something flew right over our car . . . Its wing spread was literally at least two lanes on the highway width. . . . it was not any drone or sleep deprivation. . . . looked exactly like a Pterodactyl . . .”


Report a Pterodactyl Sighting


Credibility of a Pterodactyl Sighting

Let’s examine an individual sighting report and its credibility: an account of an apparent living pterosaur in Spain. . . . “. . . looked like the same sort of texture as suede (i.e. no feathers), had a long thin tail, and didn’t flap once. . . .” [excerpt from the nonfiction book “Searching for Ropens and Finding God” (fourth edition)]


New YouTube Video: “Pterodactyl” Sighting in California

. . . one thing I’ve learned about living pterosaurs is that sightings are not nearly as rare as people would suppose. Sometimes an eyewitness will remain quiet about seeing a live “pterodactyl” until he or she learns that a friend or member of the family has also seen such a flying creature.


Pterodactyl Sightings in North America

In December of 2020, another video was uploaded to this channel: “Pterodactyl Sightings in North America”. Within a week or so, the number of views passed the one-thousand mark, making it very popular for a recently-uploaded video on this channel.


Pterodactyl sighting in Lansing, Illinois

“I was 17 in 1968 when I was going to my neighbor’s house in late spring or early summer. . . . I turned and looked and couldn’t believe my eyes. There was this pterodactyl flying overhead! It was about the size of a Piper Cub airplane and it had a grayish-blue body with bat-like wings and had mixed reddish-brown areas on it.”


Australian Pterosaur Sightings

“[As] it got nearer to me, I noticed that the wings were actually flapping gently. . . . color was a dark tan. . . . no sound. It was getting closer . . . [I thought] maybe this is some kind of weird outback bird . . . had a wingspan [of about] 15 or 20 feet. It got close . . . leathery . . . no feathers at all.”


Shocking Pterodactyl Sighting in Nevada

By Jonathan David Whitcomb, executive director of Animal Discovery

I was delighted to receive a long email early in October of 2021 from a man in a rural area of Nevada. His close encounter with a huge ropen one night apparently relates to missing and killed animals on nearby farms.

desert in Nevada, snow on mountains in background

(generic desert photo in Nevada)

Here is part of his first email to me:

“I found you after something amazing [happened] tonight . . . somewhere in … Nevada … These creatures are big enough and defensive enough to pose a genuine and serious threat to life …”

“Approximately 9:20 pm Saturday, 02 October, 2021 (tonight) … While studying … on the computer in the garage, I heard something very heavy land on the tin roof … Quickly, I turned off the lights. And, quietly, and very carefully I opened the door and went outside. . . .”

“The garage’s roofline measures 26 ft wide. This creature’s wingspan spread wider by about 2 feet on each side and its wingtip flapped within about 4 feet of my head as I opened the door. . . . its wing appeared nearly light/tan/brown/sandy on the topside, but more the color of the night sky underneath. . . .”

“The wingtip didn’t look like feathers, but it looked very much like a gigantic bat’s wing. . . . It makes an audible whooh whooh whooh sound of much air moved as its mighty wings power it at takeoff and climbing, then starting to flap slower as it gets about 50 or 60 yards above the terrain (or at least this big one did). . . .”

“Over the past few weeks, many of my neighbor’s barn cats disappeared (neighbor to the north). Something at night has been eating her cats. Every few nights I hear a cat screaming its last breath trying to fend off something, which kills it very quickly.”

At first, I thought it might be coyotes or a ranch dog loose at night. But, when I realized I haven’t heard or seen coyotes for quite a while now (very unusual). And, when she asked me to look around for tracks, I found no coyote tracks or dog tracks, or tracks of any kind. Only tracks of her barn cat tracks and some chickadee and quail tracks. And, while eagles and owls often land on their prey while leaving no tracks, you see wing tracks/markings when they get a jackrabbit (we saw only 1 this year, which is very unusual). . . .”

by Jonathan Whitcomb "Searching for Ropens and Finding God"

The most complete nonfiction book on sightings of modern pterosaurs: Searching for Ropens and Finding God (fourth edition)



Pterodactyl Kills Chickens and House Cats in Nevada

A particular modern pterosaur has now been tied to chicken loses in both central Utah and in Nevada. Earlier in October of 2021 I gave it the name “Draper Ropen”, and it was last seen in a rural neighborhood of Nevada on October 2, 2021. It has also been killing barn cats in that same farming community.


Best Youtube playlist for newcomers to pterodactyl sightings

For those who have not yet been introduced to the videos of the channel “Protect Animal Life”, this is the best playlist: some of the finest and most popular modern-pterosaur videos.


Modern pterodactyls promoted by a nonprofit organization

Jonathan Whitcomb now leads “Animal Discovery” as its first executive director, and ropens will be an important part.


Popular ropen video on Youtube

See why this living-pterosaur video is among the most popular on the channel “Protect Animal Life” (interviewing J. Archer).


Attack in the Dead of Winter

Does a pterodactyl pack hunt bats at night in southern Texas?


Dinosaur book for children and teens

The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur is a nonfiction book, but it’s not technically about dinosaurs: It’s a short cryptozoology book about apparent living pterosaurs. Let’s begin with a list of some of the benefits available to young readers . . .


Pterodactyl Attacks

. . . many human deaths may have been caused by attacks from what some Native Americans in British Columbia call the “devil bird.”


Pterodactyl Sightings in North America

By Jonathan D. Whitcomb

Have you seen an apparent modern pterosaur, also known commonly as a “flying dinosaur”? Contact Whitcomb to report the encounter (this also applies if you just know somebody who has seen such a flying creature).

Youtube has more than 37 million channels, and the one with the most videos on sightings of modern pterosaurs appears to be Protect Animal Life. As of January 6, 2021, of the 113 videos on this channel, 111 of them were about these amazing featherless flying creatures.

In December of 2020, another video was uploaded to this channel: “Pterodactyl Sightings in North America”. Within a week or so, the number of views passed the one-thousand mark, making it very popular for a recently-uploaded video on this channel.

beach & mountains in Mexico "I used to visit Puerto Vallarta"

It begins with a sighting report from a small village south of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and the flying creature was enormous.


thumbnail sketch for video "Pterodactyl Sightings in North America" - two pterosaur sketches

Thumbnail for “Pterodactyl Sightings in North America”



Videos on modern pterosaurs

The number-one Youtube channel on modern “pterodactyls” appears to be Protect Animal Life (PAL), and the following is but a small sampling of its videos on these astonishing flying creatures


Weird flying creature

In the blog Live Pterosaur we can find this:

These weird disappearances are not confined to Yosemite, nor even to the United States. Several factors do seem to tie together cases that are separated by long distances and sometimes separated by decades. To understand what may be happening in Yosemite National Park, we need to see in a broader sense. Look to Canada and to Mexico.


Press release on sightings of pterodactyls

A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed eyewitness accounts of apparent non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called “pterodactyls” or “flying dinosaurs,” and found that several states in the USA stand out, including Utah.


A girl saw a pterodactyl

[a nonfiction cryptozoology book] Some of the benefits for the young reader:

1) Is understandable yet stimulating for kids and teens of about 8-14 years old

2) Tells you not WHAT to think, like many other nonfictions, but HOW to think about possibilities

3) By a positive example, invites you to use critical thinking

4) Opens up an exciting new world: persons have seen an apparent living pterosaur

5) Uses sketches, photos, and other images to make things clear

6) Does not indoctrinate but gives you details on what people have seen flying overhead

7) Allows you to come to your own conclusions in this short non-fiction

8) Gives the young reader three of the most important interpretations possible for a sighting

9) Explains the benefits of believing someone who may be telling the truth

10) Compares one sighting report with one or more others, yet it allows you to believe what you will


American Pterosaurs

Many Youtube videos related to non-extinct pterosaurs (a.k.a. “pterodactyls”) in the United States of America: real eyewitness accounts of these flying creatures seen in many areas.


Shocking Flying Creatures with no Feathers

Youtube video on modern pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea, Cuba, and in the United States (including encounters in California, Arizona, Texas, and Arkansas.


Children who saw a Pterodactyl

Lately I’ve been writing more about children who have witnessed a modern pterosaur, although I have included sightings in which adults have been present. Indeed, for a number of weeks I’ve been writing a new nonfiction book for children: The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur.

In keeping with the setting of that book, let’s consider the six-year-old eyewitness Patty Carson. She was only about six when she saw the “dinosaur” at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, around 1965.

Before getting into what that flying creature was, let’s discover what it was not. Remember Sherlock Holmes: Once the impossible has been eliminated, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth.

It was not a pelican. Patty is sure that it was larger than a pelican, yet there’s more. That kind of bird does not have a long horn-like structure coming out the back of the head, an appendage looking bone-like. In addition, no pelican has a mouth filled with many small teeth. What’s more, that kind of bird does not have a long featherless tail that ends with a diamond-shaped structure. If Patty were mistaken about one or two of those four characteristics of her flying creature, we could still not reasonably dismiss the other two or three points that make it a non-pelican.

Could it have been a frigatebird? When that kind of bird is standing on the ground, which it almost never does, it would never be “as tall as a man.” In addition, no such bird has a long neck. If you can discount all that and insist that the girl hallucinated many small teeth, then you might also proclaim the following: The attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 was not from Japanese planes but from frigatebirds, with bird poop being misidentified as bombs.

What about teeth? If it wasn’t a bird, maybe it was a bat, for they have teeth. Look at the sketch Patty drew a few years ago. That is no bat head. And what bat has a long skinny tail that ends with a Rhamphorhynchoid-like flange? In addition, no bat known to Western science is as tall as a man when it stands on the ground.

Could it have been a little girl’s nightmare? Memory can play tricks on us, over a long period of time, but look at the sketch drawn by the U.S. Marine Eskin Kuhn. He drew this just minutes after his sighting in 1971, at that same area of Cuba: Guantanamo Bay:

ropen sketches by Eskin Kuhn and by Patty Carson

Flying creatures seen by Kuhn (left) and Carson (right)


Of course children sometimes make mistakes, even sometimes imagining things that are not there or that differ greatly from what they imagined, but when an adult sees something very similar, and at about the same place, we need to admit the obvious, no matter how improbable it appears: Both Patty and Eskin saw something like what many Western scientists have assumed became extinct many millions of years ago.

Although the ropen of mid-twentieth century Cuba is unlike any well-known fossil of a pterosaur, it is much more like a pterosaur than it is like any known bird or bat.


By the way, those apparent ropens are not confined to Cuba. I have received many reports of such flying creatures in the United States, and they are very similar. If they’re not all the same species, they surely are closely related.

By the independent investigative journalist Jonathan D. Whitcomb



Child saw a pterosaur

. . . nobody forces any adult to disbelieve any story of a child. Several things have led me to believe that Aaron Tullock, as a child, saw a living pterosaur, regardless of American indoctrinations into universal extinctions . . .


Three children saw a live pterosaur in Pennsylvania

Near Pottstown, Pennsylvania, about 40 miles northwest of Philadelphia, three children observed an apparent pterosaur flying overhead. I received an email from their father last week, on what he learned by questioning them.


The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur

This will be a short nonfiction book for children eight to twelve years old or thereabouts; I hope that it will be finished and on sale before the first of December (2018) . . .


Important Ropen Sightings

Here is a list of sightings of these long-tailed modern pterosaurs, although this is only a partial list of the more important encounters, by eyewitness name, or by place if the eyewitness is anonymous . . .


An American saw a Ropen During World War II

Around mid-1944, on the eastern edge of the island of New Guinea, after the Japanese military had left that area of the southwest Pacific, two American soldiers obtained permission to hike into the jungle interior west of Finschhafen. While in a jungle clearing that was about a hundred feet across, they witnessed a huge flying creature take off into the air. That sighting in clear daylight, with no obstruction to the view of those two men, has in recent years become known, among at least some cryptozoologists, as an important report among many accounts of encounters with living pterosaurs in the 20th century.


Modern Pterosaurs in England

My sighting took place just after 2 PM on Valentine’s day of the same year in an area called “The Silkin Way”. It’s a local nature reserve and a lot of people visit it to bike, fish and walk their dogs. [Telford Town Park, Shropshire, England] . . .

A creature with a wingspan of about 4-6 feet and a mottled greyish brown colouration flew directly overhead and onwards towards a field where several horses are kept.


Gigantic Featherless Flying Creature

Before getting into this eyewitness account, keep in mind that I have received hundreds of reports, over the past 15 years, of encounters with apparent pterosaurs, some of which have been close and clear sightings. The flying creature seen in New Jersey in 2016 was very close to the lady who had stopped her car at a stop sign, but she concentrated on what was right in front of her face. She saw and remembers mostly that face and those wings.

Ropen Sighting in Ohio in Late 2016

By the modern-pterosaur expert Jonathan Whitcomb

Last month I got an email from a man who lives in Gahanna, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus. He and his teenaged son were driving near their home at 6:45 p.m. on December 19, 2016, when a large creature flew over their car, giving them a quick but close view. It had a wingspan greater than the width of their car.

I communicated with the man, whom I will call John, through several emails, and on January 6, 2017, I interviewed him by phone. I believe they saw an American Ropen, although my associates and I still don’t have enough information on the North American sightings to say much about species for this kind of modern pterosaur in this part of the world. John told me the following about what his son told him about the tail:

. . . the creature whipped it around…he said it had sharp projections on the tip…but it was moving so fast he said he just got a glimpse of it . . .

During my phone conversation with John, he told me that his son saw some kind of structure at the end of the tail. That strongly suggests to me that they saw a ropen.

Before ending our telephone interview, we decided that he should be anonymous. “John” has a number of college degrees related to biology and works in a profession in which he could be the subject of ridicule if his sighting was made public with his name and place of employment. (I know these details myself, however.)

But the main point is this: They saw a flying creature that was far bigger than any bat, very unlike any bird, and appearing to be a pterosaur.

John told me, in one of his emails:

. . . it is still so vivid in our memory…you could see the bumps of its skin and the claws on its feet. we stopped but of course it vanished.

He also said,

. . . now that we have seen this we are so much more believers in that there are many things out there most people have never seen and will never see but they are there.

He told me, in our phone interview, that this area of Ohio has many limestone caves and his neighborhood has many kinds of wildlife.

Other Pterosaur Sightings in Ohio

This ropen-sighting area, in a suburb of Columbus, is just over 100 miles from Antwerp, Ohio, where two sightings were reported a few years ago, encounters over or near a bridge on the Maumee River in the summer of 2003 and a year earlier.

Yet another pterosaur sighting was much closer to the late-2016 encounter in Gahanna, Ohio: only 4.5 miles away, near the corner of Westerville Road and Denune Avenue, in the northern part of Columbus. What a proximity! That was in the winter of early 2014, probably just before sunrise.

After finding this report on my computer, I wrote the following email to John:

Hi, _______

Thank you very much for the talk we had by phone yesterday. This morning, I was looking through my records of sightings in Ohio and found that I had forgotten about an important report, very relevant:

A lady and her daughter were at a bus stop early in the morning, in the winter of early 2014, when they saw a large “pteradactyl” fly right by them, at about the same height above the ground as the one you saw last month. Here’s the thrilling part:

This was at Westerville Road and Denune Avenue, less than five miles from where you had your sighting. This appears to me to be about 4.5 miles southwest of your location.

This means we need to support local investigations in your area, for this is too much for coincidence. Even if it’s only one ropen in that general area, it deserves immediate attention. I’ll be writing about this [including publishing blog posts], and looking for help, within the next few days.




Ropen page on Wikipedia deleted

. . . the ropen continues to survive skeptical attacks, despite declarations about extinctions. The most obvious extinction, however, is that of a page on Wikipedia.

Pterosaur sighting in Ohio

. . . a number of eyewitnesses have reported apparent live pterosaurs in Ohio, regardless of the apparent lack of newspaper headlines. Probably unknown to many news media reporters and editors, sighting in neighboring states may be of the same species . . .

Modern Pterosaur in Papua New Guinea

After only a few minutes of their arrival, however, the giant ropen, flew just over the surface of Lake Pung. All seven boys ran home in terror, for that ropen had a mouth “like a crocodile” and a tail that one of the eyewitnesses estimated to be “sefan meetuh” long (about 22 feet).

Ohio Pterosaur Sightings

Three separate encounters in Ohio:

  • Kenton (2010)
  • Mount Vernon (2005)
  • Antwerp (2002 and 2003)

Antwerp, Ohio, actually had two sightings, in consecutive summers.

Modern Pterosaurs and Missing Children

The tragedy of strange missing-persons cases—that compels me to write about my interpretation of the more mysterious aspects of these disappearances, especially because so many of these lost individuals are children.

Living Pterosaurs

The ropen is described in ways that actually lead to two words: “dragon” and “pterosaur,” depending on culture and taste. But notice the word noticeably absent: “extinct.” Many people are convinced that they are alive because they have seen them flying over their heads.

Ropen – a Modern Pterosaur

. . . ropens continue to  fly overhead, continuing to shock humans  who had assumed that all pterosaurs had  become extinct millions of years ago.
