Pterosaur in California Desert

Sighting in California Desert
(Anza Borrego, about 1991)

From the nonfiction book "Live Pterosaurs in America"

According to an eyewitness, "I have been haunted for . . . years by what I saw in the desert. I have never told anyone due to the fact that I was afraid I would be thought nuts . . . We were sitting in the late afternoon
shade of a ridge, on lawn chairs, enjoying the solitude and peace and quiet of the desert . . . I caught the sight of it . . . It was soaring along the side of a plateau not far from us. We knew what it looked like. In fact, I remember saying ‘. . . that looks just like a Taradactyl!’ . . . It did not have a tail. But it did have a nub where a tail would be. . . . we knew it had to have been [a] lot larger than an eagle, maybe three times larger."

Cryptozoloogy Book

Photo use courtesy of Bob Unreall
No agreement by Bob Unreall is implied
Photo use courtesy of Bill Gracey
No agreement by Bill Gracey is implied
Photo use courtesy of Majed Sahli; no agreement implied