Der Ropen von Papua-Neuguinea

Der Ropen - Haus
Paul Nation - 2006-
Duane Hodgkinson -
was er 1944 sah
Augenzeuge Gideon Koro
Das buch 'Searching for Ropens' erzählt über einen Mann, Gideon Koro, der einen ropen sah. Der Autor des Buches, Jonathan Whitcomb, erforschte Umboi Insel 2004. Zuerst wusste Koro nicht, dass der Amerikaner kommen würde. Sie fanden Koro. Koro war überrascht. Der Amerikaner interviewte ihn.
Whitcomb fragte ihn, was er sah. Es war der ropen. Wie erschien der Mund? 'Krokodil' (Mund). Es (der ropen) hat Flügel? 'Ya.'

Der Amerikaner fragte ihn, wie lang der Schwanz war. 'Sieben meter.' Nachdem Koro und seine Freunde den ropen sahen, liefen sie zu ihren Häusern.
Information auf Englisch
Gideon terrified by the ropen

Jonathan Whitcomb, a U.S. forensic videographer, interviewed Gideon on the remote island of Umboi in Papua New Guinea. He confirmed the reliability of the young man’s testimony that he saw a giant pterosaur-like creature when he was with several other boys years ago.
Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea

Many people in “Piugini,” or Papua New Guinea, call this island “Big Siassi”. This tropical volcanic island, at about 900 square kilometers in area, may be best known as the home of the ropen, a giant nocturnal flying creature.
Gideon, Mesa, and Wesley

Seven boys, aged about ten to sixteen, hiked up to Lake Pung on Umboi Island around 1994. They had no idea that they would encounter the giant ropen.
This video was recorded by Jonathan Whitcomb when he was interviewing eyewitnesses on Umboi Island in 2004.