Ropen seen in eastern Cuba in 1965 nonfiction book "Live Pterosaurs in America" by Whitcomb
Live Pterosaurs
Nonfiction books on “pterodactyls”
For the LDS reader who would like something different but in harmony with Mormon beliefs—this is a set of books written by Jonathan David Whitcomb, the author of nonfiction cryptozoology publications. He is one of only a small number of scientists who have written a scientific paper favorable to the possibility that not all species of pterosaurs are extinct. In addition to his four nonfiction books (in nine total editions), he has also published more than a thousand web pages and blog posts on these fascinating featherless flying creatures.
Whitcomb has questioned eyewitnesses, mostly by emails, who live in many areas of the planet. He led a brief expedition in Papua New Guinea, in 2004, interviewing several important eyewitnesses of the ropen.
Jonathan Whitcomb and Clifford Paiva - two scientists "Ptp" photograph of a modern pterosaur front cover of "Searching for Ropens and Finding God"
copyright 2010-2017 Jonathan Whitcomb
This sketch was drawn by the eyewitness Patty Carson, now living in Southern California. She was only a child when she and her brother had a frightening encounter with this large winged creature: at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where their father was stationed temporarily in the 1960’s. None of the grownups believed Patty.
LDS working alongside other Christians in a remarkable new branch of cryptozoology
The two scientists Jonathan Whitcomb (LDS; left) and Clifford Paiva (non-LDS; right) have taken a stand on an old photograph that seems to have a recently deceased Pteranodon in plain view.
By the author Jonathan David Whitcomb “I began working with non-LDS American Christians, who were searching for living pterosaurs, in 2003, a year before my expedition on Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea. I don’t imply that it was always smooth sailing with our different religious faiths, but we have managed to combine our efforts to research and to search for these flying creatures, and we have done so with faith in particular doctrines found in the Bible. One of the beliefs we have in common is in the reality of the Flood of Noah. “The official scientific discovery of one or more species of extant pterosaurs—that would not force all atheists to put on their Sunday best and rush off to the nearest church, but it would validate the traditional Christian belief in the Flood of Genesis. In a world where God went to so much effort to protect many species on the Ark, what would be so shocking about a supposedly ancient type of animal becoming a member of that favored group so protected? “I know, it’s more complicated than that, when we think of the Western idea of certain living things being modern and others being very ancient. Yet the official discovery of a living pterosaur would attract attention to this: Many scientists have been working under certain basic assump- tions regarding extinctions, and at least some pterosaurs are perfectly modern. They have no major problem in living in our modern world. “My associates and I believe that God continues to watch over life on this planet, as He has done so in the past. We are accountable for how we treat life, of course, and God allows us to be creative or destructive with what He has given to us, at least during our brief journey in mortality. But the point is this: God deserves credit for the wonder- ful life we find on this planet.”
cryptozoology book "Modern Pterosaurs"
Modern Pterosaurs
Live Pterosaurs in America (expanded third edition)
Searching for Ropens and Finding God (4th edition)
For brief reviews, and comparisons between these three books, see Cryptozoology books for LDS readers (a post by Whitcomb)
Live Pterosaurs
For the LDS reader who would like something different but in harmony with Mormon beliefs—this is a set of books written by Jonathan David Whitcomb, the author of cryptozoology publica- tions. He is one of only a small number of scientists who have written a scientific paper favorable to the possibility that not all species of pterosaurs are extinct. In addition to his four books (in nine total editions), he has also published over a thousand web pages and blog posts on these fascinating featherless flying creatures. Whitcomb has questioned eyewitnesses, mostly by emails, who live in many areas of the planet. He led a brief expedition in Papua New Guinea, in 2004, interviewing several important eyewitnesses of the ropen.
copyright 2010-2017 Jonathan Whitcomb
Nonfiction books on “pterodactyls”
Ropen seen in eastern Cuba in 1965
This sketch was drawn by the eyewitness Patty Carson, now living in Southern California. She was only a child when she and her brother had a frightening encounter with this large winged creature: at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where their father was stationed temporarily in the 1960’s. None of the grownups believed Patty.
Jonathan Whitcomb and Clifford Paiva - two scientists "Ptp" photograph of a modern pterosaur
The two scientists Jonathan Whitcomb (LDS; left) and Clifford Paiva (non-LDS; right) have taken a stand on an old photograph that seems to have a recently deceased Pteranodon in plain view.
LDS working alongside other Christians in a remarkable new branch of cryptozoology
By the author Jonathan David Whitcomb “I began working with non-LDS American Christians, who were searching for living pterosaurs, in 2003, a year before my expedition on Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea. I don’t imply that it was always smooth sailing with our different religious faiths, but we have managed to combine our efforts to research and to search for these flying creatures, and we have done so with faith in particular doctrines found in the Bible. One of the beliefs we have in common is in the reality of the Flood of Noah. “The official scientific discovery of one or more species of extant pterosaurs—that would not force all atheists to put on their Sunday best and rush off to the nearest church, but it would validate the traditional Christian belief in the Flood of Genesis. In a world where God went to so much effort to protect many species on the Ark, what would be so shocking about a supposedly ancient type of animal becoming a member of that favored group so protected? “I know, it’s more complicated than that, when we think of the Western idea of certain living things being modern and others being very ancient. Yet the official discovery of a living pterosaur would attract attention to this: Many scientists have been working under certain basic assump- tions regarding extinctions, and at least some pterosaurs are perfectly modern. They have no major problem in living in our modern world. “My associates and I believe that God continues to watch over life on this planet, as He has done so in the past. We are accountable for how we treat life, of course, and God allows us to be creative or destructive with what He has given to us, at least during our brief journey in mortality. But the point is this: God deserves credit for the wonder- ful life we find on this planet.”
nonfiction book "Live Pterosaurs in America" by Whitcomb front cover of "Searching for Ropens and Finding God" cryptozoology book "Modern Pterosaurs"
Modern Pterosaurs
Live Pterosaurs in America (expanded third edition)
Searching for Ropens and Finding God (4th edition)
For brief reviews, and comparisons between these three books, see Cryptozoology books for LDS readers