About the book


Live Pterosaurs In America, third edition

154 pages; $13.65 s.r.p. (usually $9.82 on Amazon sale); see this nonfiction cryptozoology book on Amazon.com

Published by CreateSpace, November 2, 2011

It has an extensive manually-constructed concept-index, ideal for researchers

Non-fiction paperback; by Jonathan David Whitcomb, the worlds’ most prolific writer on the subject of eyewitness accounts of modern living pterosaurs

ISBN-13  978-1466292116

ISBN-10  1466292113

One Reply to “About the book”

  1. Live “pterodactyls!” In the United States? Prepare for a shock if you thought they all died millions of years ago. In California, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and many other states, eyewitnesses have been shocked by featherless creatures flying overhead. Many of the apparent living pterosaurs are much larger than any bat; Many have long tails; many have head crests. Where are the news headlines? How did living pterosaurs avoid the media spotlight? Rare and nocturnal, they have always lived here. But something else has hidden them. Enter now the realm of a new branch of cryptozoology, a struggling branch hampered by the dogma of universal extinction. Consider the words of ordinary Americans who fear ridicule but have still come forward with their extraordinary experiences: encounters with apparent living pterosaurs. Nonfiction.

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